Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21

                                               Everyone's time ends One day
                                             some people leave early some stay
                                           no one thinks about time all the time
                                                   but its always in motion
                                          Time is not the ocean its always the same
                                              Although everyone's time is different
                                              Its always there its never missing
                                            The most constant thing in ones life
                                                Time is there day and night

History of Painting

Thursday, November 20, 2014



                          Riley Does not know how to feel when he walks through the doors of her new school she wants to be excited and optimistic but cant help but feel sad because she is starting over and knows no one there. She is also scared and doesn't even want to go in do to the sheer fact she doesn't know any one and doesn't know how she is going to be treated. She wants to call her momo right now to say she is sick so she can get picked up and not even want to deal with it today. While walking to her class she gets a sudden anger when she thinks about the fact that she left her hometown why did her dad even take the job she thinks they were perfectly happy in there Midwest home why did they have to leave. Then she reaches the room number it says on the paper 113 this is when she opens the door and the real test begins.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


                                                             Tsar Nicholas II

                             Nicholas was still becoming the Tsar When he took a trip to Japan in 1891 to celebrate the Commemoration of the Trans Siberia railroad. after riding the railroad he then made the trip over to the Japanese Isles While in Company of his cousin Prince George of Greece and Denmark. He Traveled through  the Lands that were affected by the atomic bomb. He was starting to become very fond of the Japanese Culture he even got a Japanese tattoo.  Then while visiting lake Biwa in Otsu One of the natives accompanying the prince and his cousin struck Tsar Nicholas in the head with a saber. Then when he tried to hit him again his cousin blocked the hit with his cane then The native was taken away by the Prime minister. Then Tsar Nicholas was rushed back to Kyoto Where then he demanded to go back to Russia. and was Considered to be one of the contributing factors of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 27-Found Poem

                                                               It hit me like the Impacts
                                                              Do you wan to go home
                                                              I nearly said how im so far out
                                                              I couldn't live there anymore
                                                              Im sorry I couldn't be enough

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14-Berlin Wall

                                                             Berlin Wall
             November 9th 1989 Me and my family are here to see the wall that was put up and split my family apart. I have only heard stories of my aunts and uncles I've heard I have cousins too and they are around my age but I've never seen them but after today I can finally see my family in Berlin. Then a roar of people began to take down the wall with there own equipment striking it with axes shovels and any other thing metal. Then my eyes well up with tears because now I know I can see my family

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday November 13

                                         I believe the picture represents the dead that's not in heaven or Hell because it looks like they are not burning but definitely not in heaven. But they are looking up and crawling on each other like they are trying to get back to  the real world or go to heaven.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday,November 12- The Haunted House

                                                             Haunted House
             The New couple saw the house and thought about how they would start there new life. They knew they wanted kids so they knew they needed room the house they bought was pretty big it had an attic 4 bathrooms and 5 bedrooms with a basement too. They got it for a good price because it was an auction house and it was kind of old but nothing a little renovation and new paint couldn't fix.  They bought the house and moved in. It was fine for the first couple weeks everything was normal and the couple John and Jane were pretty happy with the purchase they had made. Then one warm stormy day in June something strange and eerie happened in the house. While the couple was downstairs in the living room they heard something in the bedroom upstairs, It sounded like footsteps but they knew the house was old and creaky and looked at each other and thought of it as nothing. Then they heard the footsteps again. Then they thought that they should check it out together. They went upstairs slowly trying to see if they could still hear the footsteps in the room and they could John went to get his 38 came back and swung the door open and saw that there was no one in the room. He checked everywhere in the room closet behind the door and under the bed. Then they heard the footstep again. Then they determined that the noises were coming from the attic. John told his wife to wait right there while he went to check it out as he walked up the steps to the attic door the footsteps had began to grow louder Johns palms began to sweat and he clutched his 38 special even tighter and as he swung the door open he was petrified in What he saw.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Movember 7-Macabre

                                                               Haunted Crib

               The long Ebony shadows lurk In silence

               Angry at the living there death was violent

               With no sound they move with ease

                Every where at once no need to flee

                 Only seen when want to always at there mercy

                 At night you can here them yelling and Cursing

                 But this is they're house so this is there fury

                So I suggest you leave in a hurry