Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday,August-Two moons

                                                            Two moons

The team of researcher's doing a study on sharks in the late afternoon. After a while one of the crew members read on there weather radar there was a storm approaching fast. The crew members all decided to go into deeper depths but as they where descending they noticed that the water was still moving pretty rough they decided to find the highest and lowest see riff to set on while they waited out the storm. After hours and hours of setting on an underwater see riff the storm lightened up they ascended back to the surface. It was then night time and they looked in to the unfamiliar sky there saw stars they had never seen before and the most oddly and staggering of all were the two huge moons that hung in the sky. Thomas and Sam the two moon on the submarine were confused and were in awe. They checked there equipment to radio to there base back on the small island. The radio couldn't pick up any signal. The compass couldn't pick up direction and it seemed like nothing electronically worked in the submarine. The two men looked at each other and didn't know what to do. So they just sat and sat and waited until day break.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday,August 28-Space,2199


                                                              Galaxy Collapse


 Nora sits in her office at the NASA station in Alabama reading charts and going over the plans of a New rover that could  possibly leave the galaxy. She suddenly gets a hologram text message from her crazy intern Hank, in the message he said he just got news from there mars base that the galaxy is showing signs that is pending on the galaxy might collapse. Her intern hank suggests that they try the new rover that could possibly leave the galaxy. Nora the good lady she is stops Hank in his selfish tracks. She recommends that all the lead scientist stationed on every planet in our solar system meets up and discuss the situation at hand. They notify all the world leaders but not the citizens so they don’t panic and have solar system wide looting.  All leading scientist across the solar system meet up on Saturn led by Nora she figure out the cause of this galaxy collapse is an approaching black hole.

Meanwhile Hank sits on the base wondering if He should take the rover and try his luck to get out of the galaxy. After a while his mind is made up and decides he must if he wants to survive.  While Hank makes plan for his departure, Nora and her team finds the solution to the danger of the black hole. Peanut butter she says. she ordered all the peanut butter in the galaxy to the black hole the dump truck came shot all the peanut butter in the galaxy into the black hole.  Then the galaxy was saved and Hank died because of the lack of peanut butter.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday,August 27-Animal Invention

                                                             Owl Ears

                      Owls are great stalkers in the night, they can turn there head a full 360 degrees can fly swiftly through the night have excellent hearing and eye sight and last hearing. Owls have the best hearing of all land animals they can hear high frequency and low frequency noises through out the night. Owl ears look like regular apple headphones but increase hearing by 20x now the hearing impaired can now hear better and regular people will now be able to hear everything there of course is a volume button if you think you are hearing too much. You can hear through walls under water and other heavy noises. Its also great for big classrooms if your in college and your teacher is soft spoken. Owls ears and other nature based technology are the future.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014



Its very hot, the bass is beating through the floor, there are lots of people jumping up and down. I see people with cups in there hands and girls with purses in their hands. The warm up act just left the stage and its time for the person everyone paid there money to see. That's when everyone is their loudest . The vibe in the air is excitement and electric through out the whole building. Standing people everywhere huddled standing together there sweaty bodies mushed up against every one else. one of my favorite songs begins to come on. I know every word to the song and will most likely sing along just as everyone else is. Song after song the vibe is still the same people still standing and singing and even more sweaty. Some people are now hoarse from singing/screaming the whole concert. Then after a while the artist performs his last song and the lights dim and the concert is now over. Everyone is tired but yet filled with a good time I can tell by the expressions in their face and body language.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday,August 25-Literary Character

                                                             Literary Character

    If I could bring any character out of a comic book it would be Spider man. Spider man  is one of my favorite super heroes. I think it would be cool to have him as a friend because if you are friends with spider man there is certain perks in life. He could help you with everyday house hold tasks. he has very fast reflexes so he would be great on sports teams and he is fast. Since his hands are sticky he would never drop a pass ever. He also is pretty smart so he could help you in homework with ease.
and bugs in your house would never even be a problem since he is part spider so now your house is pest free except for spiders which will probably then be a problem in your house now.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday,August 22-Wacky Words


  Las Vegas is quite the Exquisite place so Exquisite in fact I just had to stay In a hotel with a casino. Las Vegas is probably the most exquisite place I have ever been. I would have never thought such an exquisite place could be so hot it turns out Las Vegas is a very hot place. So of course since I was in Las Vegas my hotel had a very exquisite pool that was very cool turns out Las Vegas has deserts too and some exquisite desert restaurants. Las Vegas probably generates a lot of money for the state since they have all those exquisite casinos and restaurants but back to my vacation in the exquisite city of Las Vegas my pool in the casino was one of those exquisite water fall pools on the top of the casino/hotel. Who knew Las Vegas had lots of Native American shops around the city. I had to stop by and swoop one exquisite souvenirs for my family so they don't think I was having to much fin in Las Vegas.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21-Mystrey lady

The lady all ways had to stay in the house no body could accept her no one wanted to be around her. Nobody understood why she looked like that everyone had shunned her she had basically been exiled. She lived on a hill just outside of town she only went in when she needed supplies her mother sent her mother every month because no one would hire her and she couldn't go to school. she had no education and lived by her lonesome she drew every now and then and her mother sold her art to art collectors to help with money. As the years grew on she began to draw and draw more and more her paintings began to grow in popularity. Her little house outside of town also got bigger and bigger but she realized the bigger her house became the more lonely she became.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday,August 20-Alter Ego

                                                        Santa Claus

        You may think you know the story of Santa Claus and his elves. You probably think him and his elves make toys all year round for all the good boys and girls but in all actuality no. So if you don't want your perspective on Good ole saint nick ruined then you should stop reading now if you decide to keep reading I will expose Santa clause for the Immoral Chubby man he is. From the stories you've heard about Santa you think him and his elves live happy lives in the north pole and make toys all year round but I am sorry to break it to you it is totally untrue. His Headquarters is really in the south pole at an undisclosed location in and on top of an ancient glacier where he has enslaved an ancient race of elves that has lived there for thousands of years. He makes toys all year round and sells them to stores all over the world but around November every year he stops selling them and stocks up in until December 24th. Then he breaks in to peoples houses when you think he is really giving you presents when really he comes in just to eat cookies and drink milk because in the south pole there isn't that many cows or bakerys.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday,August 19 Scariest Place

                                                 Abandoned Asylum

    The Most terrifying place on Earth. The smell of pealing paint the echo of drips from old pipes gives the long corridor an eerie feel. A very uneasy feeling in the stomach. The past of the building has me petrified the people that lived and died in here all still have a trace and a story from the writing on the walls to the pictures on old desks and belongings of people that are now long gone. People that weren't healthy in the mind some just misunderstood. Old voices that still ring in the hall This is not a place for anyone to be.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday,August 15-Kindergartner

                                                          First day of school

     My first day of school When I was 5 was fun. I was has mixed feelings about school since I have an older sister and she used to get lots of homework. I also anticipated school and was excited because it was the first day of my long school career and I was ready to have friends that didn't live in my neighborhood. Me and my mom went to open house a couple of days before so I knew where my teacher's room was and who she was. The car ride there was the usual type of first day of school spill you would give a 5 year old. My mother mostly said to be on my best behavior and to not be worried because its only a half day of school and told me I was going to make new friends. Back then I was a little sheepish but I wasn't worried because I never had a problem really meeting people and it didn't seem like much to me. We pulled up I got out and walked straight to my classroom and walked in. Some kids where crying some kids just sat there with a blank expression on there face some looked happy and ready to start school. I found my seat sat down and began on my fist day of kindergarten a long but now rapidly ending school career.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday August 14-Gross

The first time I ate lobster was disgusting I would describe it as Putting a dead Goldfish in a old sweaty gym scok boiling it and eating it with a knife and fork. I think its too salty and the meat is too mushy and putting lots of butter does not help it what so ever I do not know how people eat it. Lobster is nasty

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday,August 13 - "Animal"


                                 I wake up in the morning from my nest. Today is the day I am old enough to leave the nest me  my brothers and sisters are nervous to leave. Mom said we are to big for our little nest and its time to fly and build a nest of our own. One by one we are supposed to be pushed out and fly.  I am the youngest bird out of all but not the smallest. First my brother is pushed out. There wasn't a struggle he seemed to fly like he was flying his whole life and flew into the dense forest across the small river that our tree was. One by one my brothers and sisters are pushed out and sent on their own. As my turn in line to leave was approaching I wasn't afraid of being pushed out. I dreaded the fact that I wouldn't see my brothers and sisters anymore. The luxury of being fed everyday and having a tree with my family was now over. Its my turn to be pushed out and find my own tree. Mom Looked at me and I Looked at her and she said your ready now I have done everything for you Now its your turn to do for yourself I Love you but its time to go. I stood on the edge of the nest she nudged me on the back I Fell flapped my wings and began to fly I was now on my own.                      To find out more about birds Click here