Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25

                                                                            The Mistake
    The time I made  a big mistake. I was 8 years old and my mom dropped me off at my aunts house while she was at work. My cousins were at there dads house at the time so it was just me and my aunt And they just got a new 6 month old pit bull. I was in the backyard playing with the puppy when I got hungry. and decided to in the house and get something to eat. I left the back yard and forgot to close the gate then when I went back outside to play with it the dog was no where to be found. I told my aunt that the dog was gone so we got in the car and drove around the neighborhood and we couldn't find the dog then the next day when I woke up me and my aunt put up lost dog signs. while driving around we saw the next day that the poor ole puppy got hit by a car and was dead on the side of the road. Surprisingly my aunt wasn't that mad and they just got an entirely different puppy and my cousins around the same age as me weren't really mad either but I always felt guilty for killing a little puppy.                                               :(

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23

                                                                Strange Fruit

 The Nutica  fruit is a sacred fruit of the fling ding which is a secluded island   located     in the  southern pacific ocean the ding dings an extremely friendly race of people. They are very tall and lanky with a golden bronze skin with a wide variation of hair some have curly hair some have straight and some nappy but yet all  maintain the same complexion. The fruit grows out of the ground like a watermelon or pumpkin would. You have to chop it off from the rest of the Nuticas they grow together on a vine. The fruits skin is very smooth on top but if you put pressure on it you can see it is hard. To eat the fruit you must cut it in half and eat it with a spoon. The natives have there own wooden spoons sanded to a perfect smooth wood. The first thing I noticed when the fruit was cracked open was the glorious smell the only way to explain it is like the sweetest smelling of all lotion and the taste is even better. It is like a sugar cookie mixed wit a blueberry muffin with the black  specks being the blue berries.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday.September 16- Spoons perspective

                                                               Spoon View

 Day after day I sit in the sink  how Oh how may I get out of this. These people never do the dishes my buddy Jeff has 3 day old mash potatoes on him I am starting to think they will never come off of him and they might end up throwing him away. If that happens I don't know what I would do with myself. I don't ever think I've ever seen the bowls look this bad all I want to do is be washed and chill with my other silverware friends in the silverware drawer.  This is all I have to look forward to after 3 days in this sink with other plates and other shiny things, I'm just glad I am not the blender cup so much blended fruit and vegetables mush its ridiculous I don't even know how he can breahe and talks he is so dirty.  I pray I will get washed sometime this week.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Mondday,September,15- What the deuce

                                                         Marc Chagall

 Mark Chagall new  a young woman that was getting married and had a bad dream one night and woke up and Painted this painting   The woman is getting married to a man that her dead father didn't approve and that hangs in her conscience.  She lived on a farm that had goats and loved to play the viola. She also was afraid to swim in any lake or river and had nightmares of her swimming in natural water and being ate by many big and strong fish.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11

                                                                    "Pumped up Kicks" by Foster The People

                  I think the song is Nice I like the beat and the sound of the singers voice. I also think the song is talking about a school shooting because he mentioned a six shooter gun  and said "all the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run faster than my gun" All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run faster than my bullet".  I overall like the production of the song everything in it sounds good .


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9

                                                             Hugo movie review

     Hugo was a Good movie even though it only had one really well known actor (Ben Kingsley)
I felt the movie did the novel justice in some ways. Yet at other times I felt it didn't the depiction of the 1930s setting was spot on. The child acting could have been better and I felt that the plot of the whole story was weakened through out the movie/

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, september 8- Faries


    Sadden and all alone the fairy Troy sat by himself in an open field without anyone troy the banished fairy was exiled from his home in the center of the earth from his royal fairy family who had said he was a disgrace to the family because he fell in love with a peasant fairy. he now sat by himself in the middle of an open field in Washington State where he was spat out from the mouth of the volcano mount ST. Hellenes. Then he saw a sight that he had never seen before people. He ran into a near by prairie dog hole where Troy found himself face to face with a prairie dog that tried to eat him. Barley escaping his death of a snack he made his way out of the cavernous tunnels which was the prairie dogs lair.  He stuck low to the grass until he mustered up enough courage to fly up and loon onwards. He noticed he onwards there was a building and outside there where small children outside playing. Then he saw a nice comfy backpack on the ground with a zipper unzipped just enough room for him to fly in. so he took advantage flew in and took a nap. A couple of minutes later he was awoken by abrupt movements and tossing then it calmed down a little bit and he heard a large and steady hum followed by the sounds of many childrens' voices meshing together into a large ball of abstract. He was on the bus and was now about to embark on a new journey.

Friday, September 5, 2014

September,5-Aliens in Egypt

                                                       Aliens Contact King Tut
  As a young boy King Tut was brought to the throne as one of the sons of
     Akhenaten   he rose to power at the age of ten when he was a prince. King tut became king at 18 when his father and older advisers had passed all around the same time. This is when the ancient aliens of Egypt come into play. They taught him how to rule over certain things and gave him the knowledge on how to build the pyramids and how to preserve bodies after death also extensive amount of knowledge on the stars and our constellations. The ancient Egyptians loved the aliens there would be a sandstorm first then they would ride in with gold from there planet to give to the people.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

                     Mass Hysteria

  It was a cool and crisp October morning all seemed normal some kids went to work some younger children went to school Every one tuned into there radio, ate breakfast and began to go on about there day. But around 9:30 that morning everyone's electricity in New York City began to flicker off and on uncontrollably and randomly. Everyone tuned into there radios and heard the startling news. There was a Martian on the Empire State Building. No one could possibly believe it an actual alien on top of the empire state building. Every one began to flock to the big building the police had it evacuated and surrounded the place at first everyone though it was a person about to jump until someone went up there to the building window and saw it was some type of being with an unusually big head skinny body very tall and lanky with greyish maroon type colored skin. No one knew what to do  the Martian was still on the ledge with nothing just by itself no spaceship no anything just looking around. Then blink the mysterious grey and maroon was on top of  the empire state building on the very top of the lighting rod of the building. That's when everyone observing was quaking in fear not only has no one ever seen or heard of anything like this before but the grey maroon being has the ability of instant transmission. Then the Scariest part of it all just happened behind the Grey alien being was a fleet of some type of black flying machines then the invasion began.