Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23

                                                                Strange Fruit

 The Nutica  fruit is a sacred fruit of the fling ding which is a secluded island   located     in the  southern pacific ocean the ding dings an extremely friendly race of people. They are very tall and lanky with a golden bronze skin with a wide variation of hair some have curly hair some have straight and some nappy but yet all  maintain the same complexion. The fruit grows out of the ground like a watermelon or pumpkin would. You have to chop it off from the rest of the Nuticas they grow together on a vine. The fruits skin is very smooth on top but if you put pressure on it you can see it is hard. To eat the fruit you must cut it in half and eat it with a spoon. The natives have there own wooden spoons sanded to a perfect smooth wood. The first thing I noticed when the fruit was cracked open was the glorious smell the only way to explain it is like the sweetest smelling of all lotion and the taste is even better. It is like a sugar cookie mixed wit a blueberry muffin with the black  specks being the blue berries.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you explained who the ding dings were and what the fruit taste like, but I think you should have also explained what the inside looks like also.
