Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, september 8- Faries


    Sadden and all alone the fairy Troy sat by himself in an open field without anyone troy the banished fairy was exiled from his home in the center of the earth from his royal fairy family who had said he was a disgrace to the family because he fell in love with a peasant fairy. he now sat by himself in the middle of an open field in Washington State where he was spat out from the mouth of the volcano mount ST. Hellenes. Then he saw a sight that he had never seen before people. He ran into a near by prairie dog hole where Troy found himself face to face with a prairie dog that tried to eat him. Barley escaping his death of a snack he made his way out of the cavernous tunnels which was the prairie dogs lair.  He stuck low to the grass until he mustered up enough courage to fly up and loon onwards. He noticed he onwards there was a building and outside there where small children outside playing. Then he saw a nice comfy backpack on the ground with a zipper unzipped just enough room for him to fly in. so he took advantage flew in and took a nap. A couple of minutes later he was awoken by abrupt movements and tossing then it calmed down a little bit and he heard a large and steady hum followed by the sounds of many childrens' voices meshing together into a large ball of abstract. He was on the bus and was now about to embark on a new journey.

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