Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 9th

                                                                       Pet Peeve

 I wake up on a Saturday morning feeling refreshed and full of sleep I decide I want to play my xbox but I am famished. So I go downstairs to get a fat bowl of fruit loops. I pour my cereal in the bowl and then make my way to the refrigerator and open the cool box of wonders and reach for the good ole Mayfield milk. As soon as I pick it up I notice it is super light and I put it back down and pray to God that it is not what I think it is. Then I muster up enough courage to pick it up again and my night mare is a reality and the carton of milk is empty. Why? I ask myself  why would anyone even think that's fine? Knowing the milk carton is empty but puts it back in there giving the illusion that we have milk. When if it wasn't in there in the first place somebody might have taken the initiative to go and get some milk. Now I sit here on my Saturday morning being hungry.

1 comment:

  1. Your descriptive words gave a great visual even without the image. Very nice.
