Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 3,-Unrequited Love

  She had always been nice to him because he hadn't had very many friends. It had been like that sine  1st grade. He had always loved her but was to afraid to ask her out it was always That way until they got to high school and then she had acted like she didn't even know him and would keep it short with him every time they did talk. He ultimately felt rejected by everyone because he had no friends and the only girl he ever loved acted like she didn't even know him. One day he woke up and decided to follow her home from school but not before he reached into his dads drawer and grabbed his revolver while he was at work. Then got on the bus and left for school. Then later that day her mom was worried because her daughter never came home from school. Then He and her Were never seen again.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December,2-Top Secret

    As I try to go back to sleep in this very convenient snow storm I can here the pipes running water through the walls. And through that I can hear somebody is talking. Thinking that my wife is just singing in the shower I try to ignore it and go back to bed. But then I realize I cant even find the tune of the song and it seems less like a song and more like her just talking. As I try to listen to here what she is talking about and I can hear her talk about funds and such. I think its odd but it still doesn't raise flags to me. Then I can make out the words North Korea and I become a little concerned and I try to listening a little harder and I can hear sleeper agents in the mix. Then I became very concerned because my wife Just started her job at the home land security office. Then I heard the worst of what I didn't want to hear "we will have to go to war with North Korea". I am startled and have to go tell her I overheard her But I open the bathroom door open and no one is even there.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21

                                               Everyone's time ends One day
                                             some people leave early some stay
                                           no one thinks about time all the time
                                                   but its always in motion
                                          Time is not the ocean its always the same
                                              Although everyone's time is different
                                              Its always there its never missing
                                            The most constant thing in ones life
                                                Time is there day and night

History of Painting

Thursday, November 20, 2014



                          Riley Does not know how to feel when he walks through the doors of her new school she wants to be excited and optimistic but cant help but feel sad because she is starting over and knows no one there. She is also scared and doesn't even want to go in do to the sheer fact she doesn't know any one and doesn't know how she is going to be treated. She wants to call her momo right now to say she is sick so she can get picked up and not even want to deal with it today. While walking to her class she gets a sudden anger when she thinks about the fact that she left her hometown why did her dad even take the job she thinks they were perfectly happy in there Midwest home why did they have to leave. Then she reaches the room number it says on the paper 113 this is when she opens the door and the real test begins.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


                                                             Tsar Nicholas II

                             Nicholas was still becoming the Tsar When he took a trip to Japan in 1891 to celebrate the Commemoration of the Trans Siberia railroad. after riding the railroad he then made the trip over to the Japanese Isles While in Company of his cousin Prince George of Greece and Denmark. He Traveled through  the Lands that were affected by the atomic bomb. He was starting to become very fond of the Japanese Culture he even got a Japanese tattoo.  Then while visiting lake Biwa in Otsu One of the natives accompanying the prince and his cousin struck Tsar Nicholas in the head with a saber. Then when he tried to hit him again his cousin blocked the hit with his cane then The native was taken away by the Prime minister. Then Tsar Nicholas was rushed back to Kyoto Where then he demanded to go back to Russia. and was Considered to be one of the contributing factors of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 27-Found Poem

                                                               It hit me like the Impacts
                                                              Do you wan to go home
                                                              I nearly said how im so far out
                                                              I couldn't live there anymore
                                                              Im sorry I couldn't be enough

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14-Berlin Wall

                                                             Berlin Wall
             November 9th 1989 Me and my family are here to see the wall that was put up and split my family apart. I have only heard stories of my aunts and uncles I've heard I have cousins too and they are around my age but I've never seen them but after today I can finally see my family in Berlin. Then a roar of people began to take down the wall with there own equipment striking it with axes shovels and any other thing metal. Then my eyes well up with tears because now I know I can see my family

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday November 13

                                         I believe the picture represents the dead that's not in heaven or Hell because it looks like they are not burning but definitely not in heaven. But they are looking up and crawling on each other like they are trying to get back to  the real world or go to heaven.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday,November 12- The Haunted House

                                                             Haunted House
             The New couple saw the house and thought about how they would start there new life. They knew they wanted kids so they knew they needed room the house they bought was pretty big it had an attic 4 bathrooms and 5 bedrooms with a basement too. They got it for a good price because it was an auction house and it was kind of old but nothing a little renovation and new paint couldn't fix.  They bought the house and moved in. It was fine for the first couple weeks everything was normal and the couple John and Jane were pretty happy with the purchase they had made. Then one warm stormy day in June something strange and eerie happened in the house. While the couple was downstairs in the living room they heard something in the bedroom upstairs, It sounded like footsteps but they knew the house was old and creaky and looked at each other and thought of it as nothing. Then they heard the footsteps again. Then they thought that they should check it out together. They went upstairs slowly trying to see if they could still hear the footsteps in the room and they could John went to get his 38 came back and swung the door open and saw that there was no one in the room. He checked everywhere in the room closet behind the door and under the bed. Then they heard the footstep again. Then they determined that the noises were coming from the attic. John told his wife to wait right there while he went to check it out as he walked up the steps to the attic door the footsteps had began to grow louder Johns palms began to sweat and he clutched his 38 special even tighter and as he swung the door open he was petrified in What he saw.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Movember 7-Macabre

                                                               Haunted Crib

               The long Ebony shadows lurk In silence

               Angry at the living there death was violent

               With no sound they move with ease

                Every where at once no need to flee

                 Only seen when want to always at there mercy

                 At night you can here them yelling and Cursing

                 But this is they're house so this is there fury

                So I suggest you leave in a hurry


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October,28- Mixed bag

                                                                  Albert Einstein

                                         One day on the set on the set of that 70s Show the directors son was grounded and his mother was out of town on a business trip so on that day for the director it was somewhat like a bring your son to work day. There had always been rumors of Albert Einstein's real body was somewhere buried under the set of the show somewhere in an underground tomb.
Even though Adam, The directors son was grounded we all know how dads are they are a little more cooler when mom is not around. So he just let him wonder around the Whole set as any 12 year old  boy would do. He also had heard and remembered  the rumors of Albert Einstein's body being somewhere. So he searched through the set every door closet and room was searched but nothing was found. Adam was disappointed but not very sad he knew they were probably just rumors. But after an exhausting 30 minutes of diligently searching for the remains of this Great man he decided that he needed to use the restroom. Then when he did what he needed to do he shook the handle to flush a different way then the whole wall opened and thought that it couldn't be true. He looked passed the fact that the wall just opened up he made sure he locked the stall he was in and then went inside. Travled down the long hallway until he saw the tomb of the great Einstein. He couldn't believe what he saw so he ran back up told his dad and was then Ungrounded and everyone was happy and the boy was now famous for finding the lost tomb Of Einstein

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday,Octoer 27


                      W- Wonderful
      O- Observant
      L- Loving
      F- Fierce

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday,October 24-X marks the Spot

                                                           The Spot

   After 3 weeks of sailing in the Indian Ocean me and captain price have found where those French buried there treasure. We found the spot they buried it under the huge banana trees it wasn't even that hard to find it the grass hadn't even grown back all the way so you could tell it was recently dug up. So me and Captain price went back to the ship to get a couple of shovels to hurry through this whole digging situation. Then after about 20 minutes of rigorous digging *Cling* we hit the treasure box me and captain Price were grinning ear to ear. "Pull it out he says" and after a couple more digs I pull it out and crack open the treasure box but leave it closed so me and Price can talk about splitting it 50/50 so then I open it up and dancing rocks flood out. Startled and confused me and price look in the Chest and see it was nothing else and our whole journey was for dancing rocks that fled away dancing into the water.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday,October 23- Battle of the puns

                                                            Pun Battle
      Then another lame joke spewed from my opponents mouth saying something like my shoes are ugly and hes going to take them then I said "what you seize is what you get Then the Pun off had began. This whole situation had started from something so minuscule and it was the last of the honey Smacks so right there in the kitchen is where the pun off began was in the kitchen. He started by saying my hands are wheelie dry and ashy and then rolled a cheese wheel towards me. Then I stunned by the cheese roll and the word play of my name and the word really try to come back with something somewhat soft. I reply with and you have a berry old hairline then pick up a strawberry and launch it at his head. But the battle was short lived because we had to go to church that morning so I ended up making a grilled cheese sandwich

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday,October 21

                                                               Old Man

             Caroline thought  the old man reminded her of someone if she didn't know the person.
she studied the man to the hat that he was wearing to the tips of his loafers and still couldn't figure out who. Then her bus approached and she stepped on then awoke. It was a dream but a weird one she thought about it a little bit while she was up but didn't think about it to much and continued her morning routine. Then she walked outside to the cool crisp fall morning to her bus stop and noticed the same old man from her dream sitting on the bench across from her. She was stunned and confused for a moment in time she rubbed her eyes a couple more times to make sure that this wasn't her eyes fooling her and the old man was really there. So dazed and confused from what she was seeing she decided to go across the street and speak to the old man but as soon as she made the move to cross the street she saw her bus approaching from the corner. Disappointed and somewhat and somewhat intrigued
she got on the bus and thought about the situation.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday,October 16


                                   It helps the land grow and the worms Show
                                        When it leaves I smell a musty earth
                                        but then plants sprout from the dirt
                                         So much gray but then after it so green
                                        It rains in October like it rains in the spring
                                       It happens so all the little animal can eat
                                      It happens so I can have a burger full of meat
                                         The clap and lights from the sky
                                        Always reminds me of a warm 4th of July

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15- I rember When..

                                                             Remember  When

                                                     I remember When
                                          My Nintendo was plugged up In The Den
                                         and I still had all my neighborhood friends
                                      not a problem not a worry everything was fine
                              The only time something wasn't fun is if the sun didn't shine
                                             Not a problem not a worry everything was fun
                                         I wish I could go back but those times are done
                               to the Football passes with dad that knocked air from my lung
                             the worst pain there was being to close to a nest and being stung
                      and the feeling of excitement when my friends are out and my door was rung
                                              Its not fair how its so short lived
                                   But it all comes back when I look at the scar on my chin.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 9th

                                                                       Pet Peeve

 I wake up on a Saturday morning feeling refreshed and full of sleep I decide I want to play my xbox but I am famished. So I go downstairs to get a fat bowl of fruit loops. I pour my cereal in the bowl and then make my way to the refrigerator and open the cool box of wonders and reach for the good ole Mayfield milk. As soon as I pick it up I notice it is super light and I put it back down and pray to God that it is not what I think it is. Then I muster up enough courage to pick it up again and my night mare is a reality and the carton of milk is empty. Why? I ask myself  why would anyone even think that's fine? Knowing the milk carton is empty but puts it back in there giving the illusion that we have milk. When if it wasn't in there in the first place somebody might have taken the initiative to go and get some milk. Now I sit here on my Saturday morning being hungry.

Monday, October 6, 2014

October,6 ,14

                                                               Allen Iverson

                                                  Growing up I am broke mom has no money
                                 I have to were the same clothes to school kids think its funny
                                              I have two little sisters to look out for
                                        Because daddy didn't want us and hit the door
                                        I am Not Good in school but I know I can hoop
                                               and I know I can play football too
                                        So everyday I Got to practice for my family
                                Any sport I can get a check from ill do it doesn't matter
                            So one day we can were clothes that aren't old and tattered
                                   In high School all my teams climb the ladder
                                            This year basketball champion
                                                     Next year football
                                           I celebrate at the bowling alley
                                         A fight breaks out now there mad at me
                                                          Now I am in Jail

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday,October 2nd

                                                             The Frog Prince

  One day a princess was walking in the woods of her Castle Property when she was grounded from all electronics and hanging out with her royal friends. While passing the pond she saw an odd looking frog with a little gold crown on his head. She stared intensely at the peculiar frog  wondering were it came from then the oddest thing of all about the frog it spoke. In a deep voice it said if you take a picture it will last longer. Then hopped over to her and gave her the run down on why he was a frog it turned out he was prince that owed a witch money and that's why he was a frog. He told her he was the prince of a nearby kingdom and if she kisses him and turns back that He will marry he and make the strongest kingdom on the continent. She agreed and kissed the frog prince then she turned to a fat dear fly  and the frog ate her. Then the frog filling accomplished muttered under his breath works every time.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1

                                                                       Bad Wolf

                                                   Always Lurking Somewhere in the cut
                                      Why doesn't he stop he already blew down my brothers hut
                                                He ate my cousins my dad and my uncle too
                                              Now my brother jarred I don't know what to do  
                                                            Hide or run none of this is fun
                                                            But if I don't I too will be dead
                                                          Build build and bar my door
                                            Now that mean old stupid wolf cant terrorize me anymore.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25

                                                                            The Mistake
    The time I made  a big mistake. I was 8 years old and my mom dropped me off at my aunts house while she was at work. My cousins were at there dads house at the time so it was just me and my aunt And they just got a new 6 month old pit bull. I was in the backyard playing with the puppy when I got hungry. and decided to in the house and get something to eat. I left the back yard and forgot to close the gate then when I went back outside to play with it the dog was no where to be found. I told my aunt that the dog was gone so we got in the car and drove around the neighborhood and we couldn't find the dog then the next day when I woke up me and my aunt put up lost dog signs. while driving around we saw the next day that the poor ole puppy got hit by a car and was dead on the side of the road. Surprisingly my aunt wasn't that mad and they just got an entirely different puppy and my cousins around the same age as me weren't really mad either but I always felt guilty for killing a little puppy.                                               :(

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23

                                                                Strange Fruit

 The Nutica  fruit is a sacred fruit of the fling ding which is a secluded island   located     in the  southern pacific ocean the ding dings an extremely friendly race of people. They are very tall and lanky with a golden bronze skin with a wide variation of hair some have curly hair some have straight and some nappy but yet all  maintain the same complexion. The fruit grows out of the ground like a watermelon or pumpkin would. You have to chop it off from the rest of the Nuticas they grow together on a vine. The fruits skin is very smooth on top but if you put pressure on it you can see it is hard. To eat the fruit you must cut it in half and eat it with a spoon. The natives have there own wooden spoons sanded to a perfect smooth wood. The first thing I noticed when the fruit was cracked open was the glorious smell the only way to explain it is like the sweetest smelling of all lotion and the taste is even better. It is like a sugar cookie mixed wit a blueberry muffin with the black  specks being the blue berries.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday.September 16- Spoons perspective

                                                               Spoon View

 Day after day I sit in the sink  how Oh how may I get out of this. These people never do the dishes my buddy Jeff has 3 day old mash potatoes on him I am starting to think they will never come off of him and they might end up throwing him away. If that happens I don't know what I would do with myself. I don't ever think I've ever seen the bowls look this bad all I want to do is be washed and chill with my other silverware friends in the silverware drawer.  This is all I have to look forward to after 3 days in this sink with other plates and other shiny things, I'm just glad I am not the blender cup so much blended fruit and vegetables mush its ridiculous I don't even know how he can breahe and talks he is so dirty.  I pray I will get washed sometime this week.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Mondday,September,15- What the deuce

                                                         Marc Chagall

 Mark Chagall new  a young woman that was getting married and had a bad dream one night and woke up and Painted this painting   The woman is getting married to a man that her dead father didn't approve and that hangs in her conscience.  She lived on a farm that had goats and loved to play the viola. She also was afraid to swim in any lake or river and had nightmares of her swimming in natural water and being ate by many big and strong fish.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11

                                                                    "Pumped up Kicks" by Foster The People

                  I think the song is Nice I like the beat and the sound of the singers voice. I also think the song is talking about a school shooting because he mentioned a six shooter gun  and said "all the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run faster than my gun" All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run faster than my bullet".  I overall like the production of the song everything in it sounds good .


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9

                                                             Hugo movie review

     Hugo was a Good movie even though it only had one really well known actor (Ben Kingsley)
I felt the movie did the novel justice in some ways. Yet at other times I felt it didn't the depiction of the 1930s setting was spot on. The child acting could have been better and I felt that the plot of the whole story was weakened through out the movie/

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, september 8- Faries


    Sadden and all alone the fairy Troy sat by himself in an open field without anyone troy the banished fairy was exiled from his home in the center of the earth from his royal fairy family who had said he was a disgrace to the family because he fell in love with a peasant fairy. he now sat by himself in the middle of an open field in Washington State where he was spat out from the mouth of the volcano mount ST. Hellenes. Then he saw a sight that he had never seen before people. He ran into a near by prairie dog hole where Troy found himself face to face with a prairie dog that tried to eat him. Barley escaping his death of a snack he made his way out of the cavernous tunnels which was the prairie dogs lair.  He stuck low to the grass until he mustered up enough courage to fly up and loon onwards. He noticed he onwards there was a building and outside there where small children outside playing. Then he saw a nice comfy backpack on the ground with a zipper unzipped just enough room for him to fly in. so he took advantage flew in and took a nap. A couple of minutes later he was awoken by abrupt movements and tossing then it calmed down a little bit and he heard a large and steady hum followed by the sounds of many childrens' voices meshing together into a large ball of abstract. He was on the bus and was now about to embark on a new journey.

Friday, September 5, 2014

September,5-Aliens in Egypt

                                                       Aliens Contact King Tut
  As a young boy King Tut was brought to the throne as one of the sons of
     Akhenaten   he rose to power at the age of ten when he was a prince. King tut became king at 18 when his father and older advisers had passed all around the same time. This is when the ancient aliens of Egypt come into play. They taught him how to rule over certain things and gave him the knowledge on how to build the pyramids and how to preserve bodies after death also extensive amount of knowledge on the stars and our constellations. The ancient Egyptians loved the aliens there would be a sandstorm first then they would ride in with gold from there planet to give to the people.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

                     Mass Hysteria

  It was a cool and crisp October morning all seemed normal some kids went to work some younger children went to school Every one tuned into there radio, ate breakfast and began to go on about there day. But around 9:30 that morning everyone's electricity in New York City began to flicker off and on uncontrollably and randomly. Everyone tuned into there radios and heard the startling news. There was a Martian on the Empire State Building. No one could possibly believe it an actual alien on top of the empire state building. Every one began to flock to the big building the police had it evacuated and surrounded the place at first everyone though it was a person about to jump until someone went up there to the building window and saw it was some type of being with an unusually big head skinny body very tall and lanky with greyish maroon type colored skin. No one knew what to do  the Martian was still on the ledge with nothing just by itself no spaceship no anything just looking around. Then blink the mysterious grey and maroon was on top of  the empire state building on the very top of the lighting rod of the building. That's when everyone observing was quaking in fear not only has no one ever seen or heard of anything like this before but the grey maroon being has the ability of instant transmission. Then the Scariest part of it all just happened behind the Grey alien being was a fleet of some type of black flying machines then the invasion began.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday,August-Two moons

                                                            Two moons

The team of researcher's doing a study on sharks in the late afternoon. After a while one of the crew members read on there weather radar there was a storm approaching fast. The crew members all decided to go into deeper depths but as they where descending they noticed that the water was still moving pretty rough they decided to find the highest and lowest see riff to set on while they waited out the storm. After hours and hours of setting on an underwater see riff the storm lightened up they ascended back to the surface. It was then night time and they looked in to the unfamiliar sky there saw stars they had never seen before and the most oddly and staggering of all were the two huge moons that hung in the sky. Thomas and Sam the two moon on the submarine were confused and were in awe. They checked there equipment to radio to there base back on the small island. The radio couldn't pick up any signal. The compass couldn't pick up direction and it seemed like nothing electronically worked in the submarine. The two men looked at each other and didn't know what to do. So they just sat and sat and waited until day break.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday,August 28-Space,2199


                                                              Galaxy Collapse


 Nora sits in her office at the NASA station in Alabama reading charts and going over the plans of a New rover that could  possibly leave the galaxy. She suddenly gets a hologram text message from her crazy intern Hank, in the message he said he just got news from there mars base that the galaxy is showing signs that is pending on the galaxy might collapse. Her intern hank suggests that they try the new rover that could possibly leave the galaxy. Nora the good lady she is stops Hank in his selfish tracks. She recommends that all the lead scientist stationed on every planet in our solar system meets up and discuss the situation at hand. They notify all the world leaders but not the citizens so they don’t panic and have solar system wide looting.  All leading scientist across the solar system meet up on Saturn led by Nora she figure out the cause of this galaxy collapse is an approaching black hole.

Meanwhile Hank sits on the base wondering if He should take the rover and try his luck to get out of the galaxy. After a while his mind is made up and decides he must if he wants to survive.  While Hank makes plan for his departure, Nora and her team finds the solution to the danger of the black hole. Peanut butter she says. she ordered all the peanut butter in the galaxy to the black hole the dump truck came shot all the peanut butter in the galaxy into the black hole.  Then the galaxy was saved and Hank died because of the lack of peanut butter.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday,August 27-Animal Invention

                                                             Owl Ears

                      Owls are great stalkers in the night, they can turn there head a full 360 degrees can fly swiftly through the night have excellent hearing and eye sight and last hearing. Owls have the best hearing of all land animals they can hear high frequency and low frequency noises through out the night. Owl ears look like regular apple headphones but increase hearing by 20x now the hearing impaired can now hear better and regular people will now be able to hear everything there of course is a volume button if you think you are hearing too much. You can hear through walls under water and other heavy noises. Its also great for big classrooms if your in college and your teacher is soft spoken. Owls ears and other nature based technology are the future.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014



Its very hot, the bass is beating through the floor, there are lots of people jumping up and down. I see people with cups in there hands and girls with purses in their hands. The warm up act just left the stage and its time for the person everyone paid there money to see. That's when everyone is their loudest . The vibe in the air is excitement and electric through out the whole building. Standing people everywhere huddled standing together there sweaty bodies mushed up against every one else. one of my favorite songs begins to come on. I know every word to the song and will most likely sing along just as everyone else is. Song after song the vibe is still the same people still standing and singing and even more sweaty. Some people are now hoarse from singing/screaming the whole concert. Then after a while the artist performs his last song and the lights dim and the concert is now over. Everyone is tired but yet filled with a good time I can tell by the expressions in their face and body language.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday,August 25-Literary Character

                                                             Literary Character

    If I could bring any character out of a comic book it would be Spider man. Spider man  is one of my favorite super heroes. I think it would be cool to have him as a friend because if you are friends with spider man there is certain perks in life. He could help you with everyday house hold tasks. he has very fast reflexes so he would be great on sports teams and he is fast. Since his hands are sticky he would never drop a pass ever. He also is pretty smart so he could help you in homework with ease.
and bugs in your house would never even be a problem since he is part spider so now your house is pest free except for spiders which will probably then be a problem in your house now.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday,August 22-Wacky Words


  Las Vegas is quite the Exquisite place so Exquisite in fact I just had to stay In a hotel with a casino. Las Vegas is probably the most exquisite place I have ever been. I would have never thought such an exquisite place could be so hot it turns out Las Vegas is a very hot place. So of course since I was in Las Vegas my hotel had a very exquisite pool that was very cool turns out Las Vegas has deserts too and some exquisite desert restaurants. Las Vegas probably generates a lot of money for the state since they have all those exquisite casinos and restaurants but back to my vacation in the exquisite city of Las Vegas my pool in the casino was one of those exquisite water fall pools on the top of the casino/hotel. Who knew Las Vegas had lots of Native American shops around the city. I had to stop by and swoop one exquisite souvenirs for my family so they don't think I was having to much fin in Las Vegas.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21-Mystrey lady

The lady all ways had to stay in the house no body could accept her no one wanted to be around her. Nobody understood why she looked like that everyone had shunned her she had basically been exiled. She lived on a hill just outside of town she only went in when she needed supplies her mother sent her mother every month because no one would hire her and she couldn't go to school. she had no education and lived by her lonesome she drew every now and then and her mother sold her art to art collectors to help with money. As the years grew on she began to draw and draw more and more her paintings began to grow in popularity. Her little house outside of town also got bigger and bigger but she realized the bigger her house became the more lonely she became.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday,August 20-Alter Ego

                                                        Santa Claus

        You may think you know the story of Santa Claus and his elves. You probably think him and his elves make toys all year round for all the good boys and girls but in all actuality no. So if you don't want your perspective on Good ole saint nick ruined then you should stop reading now if you decide to keep reading I will expose Santa clause for the Immoral Chubby man he is. From the stories you've heard about Santa you think him and his elves live happy lives in the north pole and make toys all year round but I am sorry to break it to you it is totally untrue. His Headquarters is really in the south pole at an undisclosed location in and on top of an ancient glacier where he has enslaved an ancient race of elves that has lived there for thousands of years. He makes toys all year round and sells them to stores all over the world but around November every year he stops selling them and stocks up in until December 24th. Then he breaks in to peoples houses when you think he is really giving you presents when really he comes in just to eat cookies and drink milk because in the south pole there isn't that many cows or bakerys.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday,August 19 Scariest Place

                                                 Abandoned Asylum

    The Most terrifying place on Earth. The smell of pealing paint the echo of drips from old pipes gives the long corridor an eerie feel. A very uneasy feeling in the stomach. The past of the building has me petrified the people that lived and died in here all still have a trace and a story from the writing on the walls to the pictures on old desks and belongings of people that are now long gone. People that weren't healthy in the mind some just misunderstood. Old voices that still ring in the hall This is not a place for anyone to be.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday,August 15-Kindergartner

                                                          First day of school

     My first day of school When I was 5 was fun. I was has mixed feelings about school since I have an older sister and she used to get lots of homework. I also anticipated school and was excited because it was the first day of my long school career and I was ready to have friends that didn't live in my neighborhood. Me and my mom went to open house a couple of days before so I knew where my teacher's room was and who she was. The car ride there was the usual type of first day of school spill you would give a 5 year old. My mother mostly said to be on my best behavior and to not be worried because its only a half day of school and told me I was going to make new friends. Back then I was a little sheepish but I wasn't worried because I never had a problem really meeting people and it didn't seem like much to me. We pulled up I got out and walked straight to my classroom and walked in. Some kids where crying some kids just sat there with a blank expression on there face some looked happy and ready to start school. I found my seat sat down and began on my fist day of kindergarten a long but now rapidly ending school career.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday August 14-Gross

The first time I ate lobster was disgusting I would describe it as Putting a dead Goldfish in a old sweaty gym scok boiling it and eating it with a knife and fork. I think its too salty and the meat is too mushy and putting lots of butter does not help it what so ever I do not know how people eat it. Lobster is nasty

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday,August 13 - "Animal"


                                 I wake up in the morning from my nest. Today is the day I am old enough to leave the nest me  my brothers and sisters are nervous to leave. Mom said we are to big for our little nest and its time to fly and build a nest of our own. One by one we are supposed to be pushed out and fly.  I am the youngest bird out of all but not the smallest. First my brother is pushed out. There wasn't a struggle he seemed to fly like he was flying his whole life and flew into the dense forest across the small river that our tree was. One by one my brothers and sisters are pushed out and sent on their own. As my turn in line to leave was approaching I wasn't afraid of being pushed out. I dreaded the fact that I wouldn't see my brothers and sisters anymore. The luxury of being fed everyday and having a tree with my family was now over. Its my turn to be pushed out and find my own tree. Mom Looked at me and I Looked at her and she said your ready now I have done everything for you Now its your turn to do for yourself I Love you but its time to go. I stood on the edge of the nest she nudged me on the back I Fell flapped my wings and began to fly I was now on my own.                      To find out more about birds Click here